
Sustainable approach

Rodolfo’s sense of respect for nature and for the territory has led his company and employees to pay the utmost attention to this aspect. The vineyards are planted in the most suitable positions according to each single grape variety and taking into account the microclimate and the sun exposure.

The cultivation aims at the complete reduction of harmful substances for the environment and for the insects useful to the vineyard. Many agro-ecological methods are used in order to reach a more sustainable viticulture and a better attention for the ecosystem: elimination of pesticide, mechanical weeding, mating disruption in vineyards, sole use of organic fertilizers, sowing of herbal and flower essences in vineyards, green manure and use of biodegradable materials. Furthermore, since 1998, artificial location of nests for birds and bats are used in order to sustain the biodiversity of the territory and to help the fight against the inimical insects of the vineyards.

All of these practices have a single great goal: to respect the Earth and its ecosystem.

